#bex ate her up
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daenysthedreamer101 · 9 months ago
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Ate her up, as per usual
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riddles-n-games · 3 months ago
TIG Drabble #6-Libby and Xander
He didn't hear the soft humming when he entered. His mind was on autopilot as his feet trudged the usual path straight for the sweets cupboard. Open the cupboard, take the jar, set the jar down, open it, retrieve a cookie, serotonin boost. That was the sole focus of this mission.
"Xander?" A quiet voice broke through his tunnel vision and he turned around to find a concerned Libby. Busted. Realizing he was holding the cookie jar, he placed it on the nearby counter and looked down, rubbing the back of his neck that had conveniently started throbbing painfully. How ironic that he felt like the literal kid getting caught with his hand in the forbidden cookie jar despite the rule having expired years ago.
"Oh, hi, Libby. I didn't think anyone was here."
A soft smile appeared. "Just me. Testing out a new batch for the food truck. We have a fundraiser again this weekend."
He nodded in acknowledgment, still looking down. "Well, I'm just gonna grab a cookie and I'll be out of your hair. I don't want to disturb you."
"Oh no, you're not interrupting. In fact, I have a batch ready and I need a taste-tester. Want one?"
"Sure." He placed the cookie jar back in its usual spot and then slowly shuffled towards Libby. In her hand on a small plate was a glorious slice of perfection in dessert form. The icing was a berry purple in a gorgeous swirl with blueberries on top and tiny sugar flowers all over. In the actual cupcake, there were dark patches, indicating it a fruit flavor. Blueberry or blackberry, he guessed.
"I apologize it's not a scone but it is still blueberry-flavored."
"'S ok." He took the peace offering and sat on one of the tall chairs on the other side of the counter. She joined him with her own. They ate in silence. As Xander took his last bite, he finally made a remark. "It's good. Did you make the sugar flowers?"
She nodded. "Do you want water?" He shook his head until he started coughing. Libby stood up and filled a glass, sliding it across the table towards him and he grabbed it, downing it in slow gulps. She kept standing until he stopped. "Good now?" He nodded.
Taking a seat again, she slowly trailed her hand and put it over his. "What's wrong? You seem down today." He pursed his lips and looked ahead but didn't move her hand. She slid her fingers into the gaps between his and gently squeezed his palm before he suddenly returned it, gripping unusually tight.
"You want to talk about what's bothering you? I won't force it if you don't want to." He sighed deeply and turned slightly her way but kept his eyes concentrated on their hands. Where to begin?
A few moments went by before he spoke. "I, uhm..."
He inhaled sharply. "Honestly? It's kind of dumb how it started. In robotics this morning, one of my new experiments kept malfunctioning. I spent two hours trying to fix it only for the whole thing to fall apart at the last possible second. Some part came very loose, it was this close to just straight up blowing up."
Libby nodded as he paused, looking to her before he continued. He shot her a grateful smile, small but there.
"In physics, Bex was shaken. She said her mom had another meltdown. Got really loose-lipped after..." He gave her another look. They both knew what that meant. Rebecca dealt with it and brought the aftermath with her but Xander was always there for her. He was her rock in many ways and she was supportive of him too, but some days, it was too much. "I did what I could to help but," his voice lowered, "I fear one day it won't be enough. She's still levelheaded for all she went through but I worry she'll spiral. A-And..."
"It's a lot to deal with. I love her and I know she returns the favor when I need it but sometimes I wonder if I won't be able to deal with it mentally myself. That scares me. That I'll let her down and me in the process because I couldn't hold myself together anymore. I am good at carrying other people's burdens but not my own and I think that one day, my own problems will catch up to me when she might need me. I-" Xander cut off, eyes wide at what he just said.
Libby brought her free hand to his back and rubbed it up and down, hoping it soothed him. "Hey now. You're a good friend. Anyone who knows you that well knows that. You're always there to help us when we're down but that doesn't mean we can always expect you to be in a good place either. "
"I know just-"
"No buts. Xan, we're lucky to have you in our lives. Especially Rebecca. I don't think she would be mad if you couldn't handle it for once. You've been with her your whole life and she knows when you're hurting like you do with her. I'm pretty sure she'd be more concerned that you didn't find someone to help you rather than just dumping thoughtlessly without noticing your state first."
He sighed deeply and rubbed his temple. There was nothing more that he wanted to hear and to believe than that. "I hope so."
"I know so. You know, I think this is a conversation you've needed to have a long time ago but you've been avoiding it. Why don't you talk to her about it?"
"Because-" What if she thinks I think of her as a burden and feels like she's been using me and thinks this friendship was fake all along? What if she thinks I'm weak for not dealing with my problems first?
The fear may not been voiced but it was enough. Libby knew what he wanted to say. She smiled sadly. "I get that you're scared of what she might think but I believe she'll be much more understanding than you give her credit for. Promise me you'll at least try."
He exhaled shakily and nodded. "Ok."
"Trust me, you're one of the bravest people I know and I also know that if you talk to Rebecca, she'll be thankful for it. Both of you will be." Libby was right. His fears were irrational and it was likely all for naught. Rebecca was his best friend and she stuck by him through so much as well, why wouldn't she be able to understand his feelings all of a sudden? This would give them clarity and a new profoundness to their friendship. Maybe even a safety net if the line blurred too much.
"And Xan?"
"You can always come to me and I will do as much as I can. I'm here if you need: whatever, whenever. You don't always to have to rely on just your brothers." He considered that. She was right about that too. It wasn't just the four of them anymore and with the addition of Avery and Libby, their family had grown. Home was a little bit fuller now and oh how he was thankful for it. But that one thing she said...
"Did Nash tell you that? 'Cause that sounds like something he would say."
"Maybe." She winked.
"Figured. He's been hanging around you a lot."
"No comment on that. But let's not make this about me. My focus right now is on you and your needs. You clearly still have a lot left to say and let go of." He couldn't deny that so he continued to recall the rest of his day until the thing that was heaving him down the most.
"-left for my locker, I went to Dr. Gallagher to get a prize I received for a prior competition. As I waited for her to get it, some students that were there, I don't even know why I started listening but I was picking up on bits of their conversation. It sounded like they were talking about feeling sorry for someone, about their parents being absent. That was... That was until I heard Skye's name."
He had to stop and steady his breaths. He knew this part was coming but panic was catching in his throat and he wasn't sure if it was going to take his ability to think. But Libby wasn't about to let that happen. She cupped his cheek, refocusing him to the feel of her warm, soft palm. "It's okay, Xan. Just breath." If that wasn't enough to make his heart swell, the feeling of her lips pressing against his forehead made him cling to her comfort that much more. They stayed that way for a moment.
"I... I'm good now."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." Only then did he realize he was slumped against her and part of him still didn't want to leave the little bubble of peace but he had to get it out. Xander was well aware of how things could eat at him when he was alone and drove him into a crash-and-burn cycle of inventing. It made him feel like Jameson at times. So he pushed forward.
"Th-The girls, they... they were talking about her arrest and how it must be hard to deal with having a parent as a criminal. With my grandfather gone and no father in the house, it must be hard having no real parental guidance. What a shame that all my efforts can't be celebrated with proper loving parents around."
The fresh sting of tears pricked at his eyes but he continued, "The teacher came back and heard what they were saying so she told them to leave. She apologized and said they had no right to talk about that but I mean, they seemed sympathetic, not mocking. Dr. G gave me the prize and told me if I wanted to talk about anything, I can come to her. But when I looked at her, all I saw was the pity. I couldn't say anything, I was too stunned to say anything so I just walked away. That's the end of it."
"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry that you had to hear that."
"It's true though, isn't it? I mean, my mother is in jail, my grandfather is dead, and I don't..." he gulped, "I don't have a dad." That one probably hurt the most to say.
The one parent he had showed a much more monstrous side that he hadn't believed existed. He acknowledged Skye's manipulativeness but the depravity of her actions since Avery's arrival was enough for a true crime documentary. He missed his grandfather dearly, that ache paired with his mother's betrayal had become a sore spot which he tried to avoid. His brothers had tried shielding him from the worst of it but even they couldn't keep the news away forever. And how much he yearned to have a father in his life, not just an older brother who tried to step in as one.
His father may know of his existence but he didn't even know of his identity. For all he knew, his father could have been dead by now. A broken family, some dead, some gone, some unknown, he practically felt like orphan was an acceptable term at that point.
"Libby, I might as well be called an orphan." Her eyes widened. "Let's not lie. Skye isn't much of a mother no matter how much I lie to myself. Aunt Zara keeps a distance and Nan is Nan. I appreciate that but I've longed for a normal family so long, is that too much to ask? For so long it's felt like it's been just me and my brothers. Without our grandfather around, it's just us four. That's it." His voice got small and he felt like it too. The tears were flowing freely now. There, those were all his fears put out into the open.
Libby cupped his cheeks gently. "You're so brave to admit that. I'm proud of you. But Xander, it's not just you and them anymore, ok? You have me and Avery now too. I'm here and if you'd like to think of me as your big sister, I will gladly be that for you. You're part of my family." He looked at her.
"Really? You think that about me?"
She nodded reassuringly. "I've considered you my little brother for a long time now." Maybe it was the way she said it, how soft her voice was or just the fact she cared, but a sob broke through. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Now come here." He gladly accepted her warm hug. Quite literally, he melted into the embrace as he buried his nose into her shoulder. Her shirt smelled of coconuts, baking ingredients, and Nash's teakwood candles. Home.
"I'm here for you." He believed her. He held her tighter.
Xander dreamed of many things. Having a dad, a functioning family, a room of an infinite supply of blueberry scones. But he didn't have to dream of an elder sister. He had that for real.
A/N: Hey I know this was longer than a regular drabble but I felt it deserved to be as long as it is because the words just kept coming and that felt like the right thing to do to give this story the depth it needed. Funny thing is I realized that four of the five I already posted are actually pretty sad/angsty with the content they tackle and only the one I posted before this is actually light-hearted. Trust me, I don't plan to only post these kinds and there will be more fun ones to come. Anyways, thanks for reading as always and I'll see you in the next one.
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blckvchaos · 6 months ago
WIP Tag Game
So the lovely @graysparrowao3 tagged me for the wip tag game - thank you!!
I'll tag whoever wants to join - additionally maybe @dutifullylazybread @sasha199 @forget-me-maybe @reverieblondie @lemonsrosesandlavender @tealfling
So a snippet for the third chapter of my Rolan x Tav fanfic is underneath the cut, but my writing process is always quite messy and I throw around everything until the spaghetti sticks to the wall, so anything underneath might be bound to change!
I hope you enjoy either way!
“She was terrifying, the githyanki woman. Asked me about the other gith Yul and I saw on our way to the mountain pass.” Zorru inhaled another spoonful of mashed potatoes before reaching for the flask of water. “I swear she was about to gut me right then and there. She even wanted me to grovel before her as if the whole situation was not humiliating enough. Feyre stopped her very quickly though.” 
He gulped down some water, Bex looking in his direction with concern etched onto her delicate features, Danis beside her slowly sinking his spoon back into his bowl of mashed potatoes grilled meats. Zorru ate as if it would be his last meal. Must’ve felt like it too, judging by the way his face grimaced as he retold his encounter with the gith, Lae’zel was her name if Rolan remembered correctly. 
Of course, he remembered correctly. 
These busybodies made it exceedingly harder hour by hour to ignore them.
“She is amazing, really. Shot the githyanki one single withering look, and told her to stand down. And it worked! Even apologized to me for her companion's behavior, while the other one looked like she was about to skin me alive. And still, she had the compassion to be kind to me, to ask me for help. As if I was the one holding all the cards right there. The whole encounter felt surreal.” 
Something flashed on Zorru’s face resembling reverence. It made Rolan’s skin itch. 
Rolan could not stand her. 
Not her interference in any business, no matter how big or small. Nor her fierce gaze when she walked by him, talking to her companions about their next steps, or when she confided with Zevlor about their progress. 
He did not like how everybody seemed to fall to their knees in front of her, figuratively speaking of course, as they praised and thanked her countless times. 
It made him want to scream how Cal and Lia seemed so besotted with her too, how they laughed and bickered together, and how she shot toothy smiles in his direction when Lia and Cal talked about him. He hated how her smile made him feel warm inside his veins and his stomach all fuzzy, how he perked up whenever he heard her name and turned around in her direction whenever he heard her voice. 
He absolutely loathed how she indulged him in discussions, asking about his apprenticeship, which schools of magic he was most interested in and why, and which spells he was intrigued to learn. 
How she showed so much compassion and interest in all their kin, and yet whenever he saw her extend her good nature and kindness, and her pretty smiles, all he wanted was her attention to himself. 
Rolan truly could not stand her.
It must have shown on his face because Cal leaned over, asking him in a whispering tone “Are you alright? You look like you are about to punch someone in the face. Did Zorru’s story wind you up that much?”
“What? No!” Quickly, as if Cal had not already seen the scowl on his face, he tried to fix his posture. “I am just ever concerned. It has been days, and still, we’re all just sitting here on our asses, doing nothing to progress our journey to Baldurs Gate. No one has any idea how long it will take or what the next steps will be, and ever since those adventurers came through it seems as if everyone is content to not even lift a finger. They have helped defend us, and as if that was not enough, now they even feed us! Do none of you feel humiliated by the prospect of accepting handouts without giving anything in turn?”
Cal looked struck, making Rolan regret his harsh words immediately. He hadn’t meant to lash out at Cal like that, not at anyone really, but Rolan was frustrated and the feeling only grew by the minute. His fingers itched to do something, anything really. 
“Look”, Zevlor interfered with a sigh from behind Rolan, having appeared out of seemingly nowhere. He must’ve overheard Rolan's outbreak and decided to prevent further escalations. “We are all trying our best within the circumstances we are given. The scouts are patrolling at all hours, bleeding into the lands to try and find a way to cross the mountain pass safely. We try to train all those who require assistance so that no one is left helpless in case of an attack. Some are trying to discuss matters with the druids to prolong our stay here until we can leave without being slaughtered seconds after leaving.”
In his periphery, he could see Ethel craning her neck to listen in on the conversation. Busybodies, all of them. 
“We are all trying, in whichever way we can - sometimes that has to be enough. At least for the time being. And it is not like we are letting them take all responsibilities from us, we help them, too. There is no shame in accepting a helping hand when it is offered.” 
Of course, Zevlor was right. He knew how to handle situations like this, having been a hellrider commander. Leading qualities flow through Zevlors blood. 
But Rolan had never held such a station. Rolan had never had to sit out a conflict, because Rolan never had the luxury to not fight for his life, and the life of his siblings when conflict arose. It had always been fight or flight, there never was an option to stop and think about the next steps.
Additionally, he did not like sitting here, reading within the same book about beginners' evocation magic over and over again. He had run out of material to revise over and over again a while ago, and now he felt like he was left with nothing to further progress his magical capabilities. One could only advance a spell so many times before he could not think of further ways to modify them. 
He felt frustrated and useless, and it made him dislike the strange ragtag group around the green-haired druid with her piercing eyes even more.
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blubushie · 9 months ago
Home finally.
Misty's back too. She was a good girl and did fine—no sedation necessary. She's been put on more anti-inflammatories and an antibiotic. Didn't even bark except when I picked her up and the tech brought a new cone. She hates the cone.
Meanwhile I'm fucken exhausted...
Mattie's running fine. No clue what was up with her doing that sputtering shit but she's fine now and running perf on the 91. And no more radiator overheats, which is good. I'm probably gonna end up putting some electric radiator fans in her at some point just to be safe, though. Fuck stock, that's a hazard.
But her ticker's ticking good.
I'm thinking of washing up before I make dinnie, maybe. But right now reckoning I could go for a Bex wank and a good liedown. I'm stuffed 😅
ETA: I got Misty a plain burger to praise her for being good, but for some reason she didn't wanna eat it which meant I had to fucking chew it for her. And guess what? It worked. I chewed it, gave her the chew, and she ate it readily. She's so smart but she's so dumb sometimes.
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blackjackkent · 11 months ago
Highlights from Rakha's further explorations in the tiefling camp:
She terrifies the group of small children trying to train for battle when the trainer asks her to encourage them. "Soak the battlefield in blood. Do not resist death, but embrace it!" The trainer is unimpressed by this: "Good job. Now they're even more scared." Rakha doesn't see why that's her problem.
The super inept fellow striking at a nearby training dummy has a slight panic attack on seeing Rakha's face; apparently he's not too familiar with orcish folk. Rakha is pretty fucking angry about this (especially in light of Aradin's 'half-breed' comment); she doesn't care about her own heritage but she knows what an insult is and is starting to realize that from some people she garners them just by existing. There is no option to punch him in the face, which she totally wants to do (and more, and more, spill his blood all over the training floor) but I suspect Wyll probably steps in instead and starts helping him, so she contents herself with sarcasm from the sidelines. "Try hitting the target."
She chats with Bex and Danis, who ask about her plans after reaching Baldur's Gate. "How can you make plans? I can't remember what I ate for breakfast," Rakha says. Bex, excited for their new life ahead, encourages optimism. The Narrator purrs in Rakha's head: "Surely destined for the slaughter. What would be more perfect than to die by your love's side, and know love was not enough?"
Okta, the woman at a giant cauldron on the camp's lower level, offers Rakha a bowl of gruel for having helped them fight the goblins off. The scent of the food triggers something strange in Rakha's head - memory. "Grey goo. I think I ate things like this in the past. When I was desperate." No image comes along with the thought, but the scent is familiar and goes along with a feeling of bewildered loneliness. She half-expects the woman to take it as an insult, but strangely, she doesn't, just offers the bowl more firmly and asks if Rakha has had similar hard times. Rakha feels tremendously perplexed and has no answer to offer, but she suspects the answer is yes.
INCREDIBLY unexpected little interchange: Another old woman near Okta - human, not tiefling - is selling potions. Ethel has a Durge-specific response to how tore-up-from-the-floor-up Rakha looks: "Oh! You're twitching something fierce, love. And your eyes! You look like you don't know the meaning of the word sleep." True enough. Rakha's two long rests have been scattered and fitful at best. This attention to her well-being from this stranger startles Rakha enough to admit: "I've had such a pounding headache recently." The woman of course has more questions, and slowly, Ethel manages to draw out from Rakha all the salient facts: she has no memory, she has intrusive thoughts, she sleeps with dreams of blood and slaughter. Ethel tuts and offers crooning words of sympathy and concern along with a healing potion. "Were you hurt recently?" she asks. Rakha shrugs sharply. "All I know is that right now, I'm imagining drowning you in the boiling stew over there." Her companions, who have never heard Rakha speak so candidly, all look at each other in bewilderment. Ethel laughs. "Oh, you cheeky pup," she says, and pokes Rakha playfully in the arm. "That might scare someone else, but I know what naughty girls need - a bitta love and care. If I was back at my teahouse, I'd make you a cuppa and tell you to put your feet up. Alas, here I can only tell you to be kind to yourself, petal. And encourage you to browse my bits and pieces, of course. Let me know if anything catches your eye." She chuckles and gives Rakha a wink. "Myself included." Rakha stares blankly at her. Any subtext is pretty much lost on her, but the strange kindness completely undeterred by the knowledge of Rakha's violent cruelty is... perplexing. "Thank you. For being nice to me," she hears herself say gruffly. "Sure! What else am I here for?" Ethel says airily.
"Well," Gale says cheerfully as they wander away. "That was a refreshing bit of kindness in this little wilderness waystation, was it not?"
"Chk," mutters Lae'zel. "Platitudes and insipid benevolence are no solution; they merely invite carelessness." She squints at Rakha. "Do not be taken in; our business has not changed. We have no time for such prattle, or a visit to this 'tea-house.' Let us find Zorru and be gone from this place."
Rakha shrugs and says nothing. No doubt Lae'zel is right; it was a wasted conversation.
'Be kind to yourself' - what does that even mean? The words rattle in her head like scattered caltrops, stinging, painful for some reason she can't define. There is no kindness to be had in her, not for other people and certainly not for herself - nor does she wish it.
She wants vengeance and she wants answers. And she agrees with Lae'zel - this strange old woman can provide no answers; certainly not the ones she needs.
So why did Rakha thank her? Why did she even listen at all?
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 11 months ago
Hmmmm 103 words today? <3
Alex leans into Willie’s side. “It was fine.”
Willie wraps their arm around Alex’s shoulder, pulling Alex fully into them. They kiss the top of Alex’s head. “Just fine?”
“Yeah. Did blocks. Ate food. Read stories. More blocks. More food. More sleep. Same old, same old.”
Willie hums thoughtfully. “No outside time today?”
Alex shakes his head. “No, wasn’t up for it. And not really time, I guess.”
“We could do that this afternoon if you wanted?”
Alex shrugs. 
Willie gently rubs Alex’s shoulder. 
They both turn toward the sound of Luke and Bex emerging from her bedroom. Bex is perched on Luke’s shoulders and they’re both sporting pleased grins.
send me a number and I'll write at least that many words for a wip
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mrbexwrites · 1 year ago
Spread the Joy Tag
Tagged by the amazing @kaylinalexanderbooks here - thank you so much :D
Rules: Make a list of all of the things that have made you happy recently! Then, tag as many people as you want that you think may need it to keep the positivity going 💕
Passing the tag onto @words-after-midnight @cee-grice @queen-tashie @scifimagpie @pure-solomon and leaving an open tag for any one who would like to spread some positivity in their blog :)
Theater Trip to see Peter Pan Goes Wrong with Mr Bex
Dinner with my family
Having a short week at work
Catching up with my friends
Getting some tea with @sarahlizziewrites who tolerated me fangirling all over Sitora and her other WIPs
Freshly made apple pie with custard
Lighter nights and sunshine in the morning (spring is coming!!)
Getting my bed linen washed and hung outside to dry
Ate my first Creme Egg of the season (side note: I tried one of the white ones, and they were vile! I'm sticking with the classic!)
Found out that I'm going to be an auntie, so have to get knitting.
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omgkalyppso · 1 year ago
I thought I was going to turn this into a little fic, but that's not happening, I have too many wips. Let me just share my vision. Étoile x Zevlor. Bal/dur's G/ate 3 end game spoilers:
It's around a year post-canon. Zevlor wakes up slowly in the sunlight of a eastern-facing bedroom, but it's cold, late autumn, not yet winter, the window rattles from the wind and he remembers that he forgot to buy fresh batting to insulate them as he meant to some weeks ago. Tired, he wonders why he's so cold and under dressed, until remembering that he has a guest and cracks open his eyes slowly, both because he doesn't want to yet face the day and because of habit — friends and fellow soldiers once frightened by the orange glow in the darkness.
He finds himself alone and stretches, savouring the slowness and solitude, so often having days filled with work and more recently, Doni; who is currently being minded by Bex and Danis elsewhere in the city, as they get in practice with young ones and decide whether they're prepared or interested in what parenthood could look like in their one-room apartment. Zevlor had gathered and watched the orphans for three very hectic months until a proper orphanage was able to pose as a base for where they'd rest between those who insisted on weaseling away — Mol, most notably; but while the others had mixed emotions about Zevlor's failure to save Asharak, Doni hadn't wanted to leave, and so he hadn't made him. He still sees the others through him now, and he thinks Mol knows that he would lie for her, or be a place for her to hide, if it ever came to that.
Dressed, or half dressed, he exits his room to the main area of his home. It would be spartan if not for the gifts that found their way to him, from Tilses, from Doni, from his unexpected trio of lovers, from members of his community who didn't carry the weight of resentment after — after everything. Spoons, books, letters, helmets, trinkets and ... things needed for living, for hosting, for ensuring that when he wants to be reliable that he isn't climbing a burning rope to give all of himself and his possessions to ensure those he chooses to serve can find what they need in him. He didn't need to be a soldier to serve, but how embarrassing would it be to have had fewer chairs than one needed, to lack a serving plate, a trivet, a cutting board, or a teapot.
He isn't worn thin, he isn't working for free, but the assistance has been welcome.
Étoile rises from his table as soon as he's out in the open, one of two elven partners who has to duck in his doorways. They're more than twice his age, were a paladin an extra twenty-years on his experience in his order before breaking their oath, and yet the elven-styled youth in their their features makes him feel self-conscious even now, as they smile so earnestly to see him, as they take him around the waist and stroke back his bed-head.
They steal a kiss.
They talk and bicker about sleep; as Étoile finds they often do with non-elven partners, they insist it's fine but their partners worry that the meditation is boring.
They drink warm drinks and eat good, simple food.
They consider doing Zevlor's morning exercises (Paladin training that is different enough from Étoile's that it's unusual, but not impossible, for them to follow along) and despite how Zevlor's body will protest later, they opt to indulge in more intimate stretching while time allows.
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devilsanddarlings · 3 months ago
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Every Mikaelson had their issues. The things that had ate at them in life continued to do so in death, and being turned had only made everything worse. Old wounds had been given far too long to fester in the face of their immortality, and somewhere along the way they’d begun hurting each other out of spite for grudges that should have been laid to rest long ago. It was a vicious cycle of pettiness and revenge that drove Kol crazy, yet he was just as guilty as the others for perpetuating it when slighted. So he had no leg to stand on in the face of Bryn’s (somewhat deserved) bitterness. He had his own issues with his siblings.
It wasn’t her fault she was envious of Rebekah. Bekah had always been adored and doted on in a way that Bryn herself had never been, and the girl had never been given any real explanation as to why. To the younger Original, it must have seemed utterly unfair the way they all subconsciously seemed to prefer Bex over her. And perhaps that was their own fault. None of them had ever actually told her that she was adopted. Mikael and Esther should have back before everything went to hell, but as they’d never told her…
Well, there was no point in bringing it up and shattering her worldview now. Even if Kol felt slightly guilty for the centuries of silence, he knew it wasn’t his place to say anything. Bryn might not have been his flesh and blood, but she was still his sister. He remembered the day his mother had brought her home just as clearly as he remembered his mother’s belly swelling with Bekah and the long hours of labor leading up to Henrik’s birth. Perhaps it wasn’t quite the same thing with her as it was with them, but he still loved her. How could he not? They’d grown up together.
“It’s not our place to teach her, darling,” Kol countered, stealing the bottle back from Bryn’s hold. “Least of all things she already knows on some level. It is our job as her older brothers to protect her from herself though. And I’d do the same for you, dearest sister, if I thought for a moment you were doing something particularly stupid that wouldn’t end well for you.”
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Bryn doesn't mean to be bitter; she loves her siblings, all of them. Even Niklaus, in her own twisted way. Despite the resentment that binds them, he was her brother, and she would not wish to see him permanently harmed, even if their lives would be simpler, and easier, without his violent rage. But Rebekah has always been the favorite; forever the baby of the family, even if she wasn't the youngest, and try as she might, Bryn resents the attention, the concern, her elder sister strikes in her siblings. Even if she equally adores her. But the two had never really bonded; despite the fact they would die for the other and they both know it, their dynamic has forever been a constant stream of bickering. At-least, it had since they were turned. Bryn isn't sure what had changed, if it was because the girl she once was, had changed into something bitter, hardened, or perhaps it was just the curse of growing apart. Bryn snatches the bottle from him, her only response to his words being rolled eyes. Fingers latch around the neck of the bottle, taking a large swig from the contents before he can decide he no longer wants to share. The bite of alcohol has always calmed her, the burn as it slips down her throat keeping her from biting back words she doesn't mean. " Rebekah will never learn if you do not let her," she responded at last, her voice full of annoyance as she placed the bottle back on the bar top. " You speak of our brothers babying her but by you getting involved, you're not helping. " her voice calms, and settles into something akin to a conversational tone. As much as she might deny it, she worries for her sister too, but she has to believe that her brothers are smarter than this, smarter than allowing her to seek a human life. " If Rebekah wishes to seek a normal life, allow her to see the consequences of that wish. " she holds up a hand to indicate she's not done. " I'm not suggesting we allow her to follow her fanciful notions before you bite my head off; I'm suggesting we allow her to see the enemies our family has, allow her to realise they will never stop coming, the only thing her being human will change, is weakening her. "
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munsons-maiden · 3 years ago
omg but consider an enemies to lovers cheerleader x outcast 😵‍💫 you're cheer captain and absolutely hate eddie "the freak" munson, like would it kill him to shower every once in a while? or pay attention in class? he's always tapping you when he sits behind you and trying to talk to you
and he's not too fond of you either, he thinks you're prissy and stuck-up, and he only ever bothers you because you always know all the answers
and when mrs o'donnell asks you if you'd be willing to tutor eddie, you know it's less asking and more you have no choice, so you show up to the library to help him and he grins like he's the cat who ate the canary "my, my, do my eyes deceive me? the queen of hawkins high, helping one of her subjects? i didn't take you to be the charity type"
"i'm not. let's get this over with"
but over time, as you tutor him and help him raise his grades, you realize that maybe his dumb hair isn't so dumb, especially when he's pulls it off of his neck to concentrate. maybe he's funny sometimes, when the jokes aren't at your expense. maybe his lips are kinda nice when they wrap around his pencil as he struggles through the discussion questions.
and he starts to not mind the way the scent of your shampoo lingers when you flip your ponytail. maybe that garish orange and green cheer uniform actually looks really good on you. maybe your lipgloss makes you look so kissable.
and maybe. just maybe. you tell him that you'll give him a kiss if he gets an A on o'donnell's final.
so many good tropes
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Bex this literally killed me omg. If you ever decide to write this, I'll see y'all on the other side because I will go into immediate cardiac arrest over the combination of my two absolute favorite tropes
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sethrollinsgirl · 3 years ago
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Being the daughter of the immortal original hybrid had its perks. Like for example, no one was stupid enough to mess with you and You usually got whatever you wanted. you once wanted a pony when you were seven, but not just any pony. the all-white pony some random tween was riding at the park. So you told your father Klaus, and he compelled the poor kid to give you it. You ended up naming it princess and the maids Klaus compelled took care of it. Although as you got older, you took over caring for it.
But it also has its downsides. Like for example, your first crush. You were twelve and had a crush on one of the maid's sons Ashton. She would normally bring him to work with her, and the two of you got along quite well. You had finally got the nerve to kiss him but before you could your father came out of nowhere and to say he was displeased would be an understatement. But it wasn't directed at you. It was towards the maid and her son. He ended compelling them to leave the state you two were in and to never come back or near you again. You didn't try to date or even so much as have a crush on someone again. Now you are twenty-one, and prior to three months ago, you could unfortunately say you never even had as much as your first kiss but now well let's just say you have experienced a lot of firsts.
Three months ago you began a relationship with no one other than Stefan Salvatore. You always found him to be cute but you didn't dare act on it. Which is why he made the first move. You two met when Stefan stroke a deal with Klaus to save his brother's life. You two had got close during those months but nothing came of it until after you returned to mystic falls. Stefan had confessed his feelings to you and the two of you have been dating since.
Now here you were currently at the mystic grill for lunch. You were supposed to be meeting your aunt Rebekah, but she was late. So you went on and order ahead. You got a double cheeseburger and fries with a peanut butter blast whipped cream on the bottom.
You heard her walk in.
"Careful Caroline, It's all well and good till
she stabs you in the back." Rebekah told the blonde vampire who was sitting with Elena Gilbert at a table.
"What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No more hurting the locals."
"Get over yourself Elena, It's not all about you." Rebekah sneered at Elena as she made her way over to you.
"Everything okay auntie Bex?" You asked as you picked up a fry and ate it.
"Yes, everything is fine little one. I'm planning on asking Matt to the ball."
"You serious? Buss boy? Oh come on! You can do way better than him!"
"Matt is actually a nice person and I really like him." She paused before asking you. "who are you gonna invite to the ball?"
"I.... I'm not inviting no one. It's just gonna be me, myself and I tonight. Oh look there's Matt go ahead and ask him." She eyed you suspiciously but went ahead to go ask Matt to the dance.
You could feel a heated gaze on you as you turned around to see elena staring daggers at you. You smirked before waving and turning back to finish your food.
The ball started at 8 pm. The guests were swarming in like flies. The dress you wore was beautiful, you paired it with black sparkly heels and some light makeup. You were having a conversation with Klaus as you each had a glass of champagne in your hands.
"So who has the honor of being your date tonight?" Klaus asked you. You shot him a glare.
"You are joking, right? All the people in this town are scared of you! They won't even look at me, they are too scared you might kill them." You had to play it up. He couldn’t find out about you and Stefan just yet.
"Good, you are far too young to be dating anyways."
"I'm twenty-one! I should have been had a boyfriend. Everyone is too terrified of you to even ask me on date."
"Good...." He trailed off as his eyes were stuck on the person walking through the door. You followed his line of gaze and rolled your eyes seeing as Caroline was making her way near you two.
"Which by the way, is a couple of years older than the girl you are trying to seduce. Which is creepy by the way." You ignored the glare he shot you as you made your way to your room. All those people downstairs were starting to get to you. You needed a breather.
You heard the door open.
"Sorry, this room is off limits."
"Even to me?" You turned around to see Stefan standing there looking handsome as ever. You rushed towards him wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He graciously returned. As his hands rested on your hips. Pulling back and looking at him as he gently stroked your cheek.
"Everything okay? I saw you rushed upstairs."
"I'm fine, this is bothering me though." You told him as you fixed his bow tie which was uneven.
"Thank you" he pressed a kiss to your lips again. Before pulling back and looking at you with concern.
"Something is definitely wrong. Normally this leads to a makeout session. You can tell me
Y/N. You can tell me anything."
You didn’t mean to go off on a rant but you did and you told him everything that was bothering you.
"I'm tired! I'm tired of all of this. Keeping our relationship a secret. My dad can date whoever he wants. Rebekah, Elijah everyone in this family can date But I can't! You are my lobster, Stefan! And I'm no longer gonna live in fear that my father might go after you for dating me. I'm twenty-one years old. I'm an adult. I should be able to do whatever I want. I think we should go tell everyone that we are in a relationship. I can protect you from him. I want the whole world to know that I....... I love you." You confessed to him as you took a deep breath.
"I love you too. You don't have to protect me from Klaus. I can handle him. If you want to tell him about us, we can do that together. I have your back." He pulled you into a hug as you layed your head on his chest and he kissed your forehead.
"There's no need for that. I already know." Klaus said he stood in the doorway. He stepped closer to you and Stefan. You moved to take a protective stance in front of Stefan.
"Don't you hurt a single hair on his head." You told Klaus. He laughed as he stood in front of you.
"I'm not gonna hurt him. Stefan is my friend. Despite what you may think Y/N, I want you to be happy. As long as Stefan makes you happy, he will come to no harm by my hands or anyone's in this family. I'm so-
I just want you to be happy. However, the minute Stefan ceases to bring you happiness, is the minute I tear out his intestines." You threw your arms around him hugging him, he hugged back. You pulled back as you straighten out your dress.
"Shall we rejoin the party? I'm sure uncle Eli is worried about us."
"Yes, he actually sent me up here to come to get you. We are about to take a family photo."
"Klaus go on ahead, we will be right behind you" Klaus nodded at Stefan, as he made his way back to the ball.
"Well, that went easier than expected. Five bucks says your scooby doo gang is gonna take the news far worse than my father did."
"Well, Caroline already knows. She's happy for us. I'm sure the others will be too."
You smiled at him as you wrapped your arms around his neck. "Well might as well give them a show."
His hands went around your waist picking you up and twirling you around as you laughed. He set you back down, grabbing your hand to lead you back to the ball.
"What's a lobster? You said I was your lobster. What did you mean by that?"
"It's from friends. It's basically because when a lobster mates with another lobster, they end up mating for forever. And you Stefan, are my forever. I love you."
"I love you too. My lobster." He told you before quickly kissing you and leading you back downstairs.
(A/N I find it hard to write about the tvdu but I’m gonna keep trying lol. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy it. I don’t own anything but the plot.)
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illputabexonyou · 10 months ago
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"I-- um," Bex fumbled, trying to keep up with what Jonah was offering. Food, water, anything. He wanted her to feel welcome. She did, she did. She swore she did. "Sure, yeah, water is good. I ate recently, but thank you." She let herself relax a little, deflating in the chair and finding comfort in the fact that it didn't worry her to not be so on guard around someone. "Well, in that case, you should get used to them, too. I apologize way too much..." Then again, she'd always been apologizing to her mother when she'd done something wrong and that had never really worked. Still, she kept trying. She would keep trying. "It-- I mean, it was kinda weird, in the moment, since the whole coven could feel it. But I was okay, really. It just made me tired." Really tired, and her heart palpitations had felt almost painful. But she was fine. Her gaze lifted to Jonah's, then, and in that small moment she realized how terrified she'd been of getting close to him again, worried he'd simply take off and she'd have lost yet another person in her life. Abandoned once again. The words, though, his words, so simple, held more meaning to her than maybe Jonah even knew. She managed to smile back, truly, genuinely. "I know. Thank you, for-- for saying that. I'm...I'm lucky to have a friend like you."
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"Are you sure? At least water. Have you eaten in the last two hours? If not, I'm going to change that. Definitely need to catch up more," he agreed as she sat, "I've been --" He had a lot of excuses to fill in that gap, real and truthful ones but self-induced, extras on top on his regular schedule, which felt like a lie in itself. "I've been preoccupied with things, work mostly, new research, which shouldn't be an excuse, I'm sorry-- yeah, you'll have to get used to the apologies too." That was said with a sheepish smile and a shrug, "I can't stop them sometimes." A break had been in the same vein that Bri had said too but could he really do that and relax as intended? Thoughts would never cease that much he knew but he saw truth to the words too. "And have you?" he asked, "Given yourself a break? You can't tell me and not do the same you know. I don't imagine it was easy for you either." He had seen the way no magic affected Rohan, was affecting him currently, such a inherent part of oneself to be taken away, it wasn't he knew being human, but he couldn't imagine the feeling would ever be good. "It's strange times these, a stranger town for me still, but we have each other at least." He offered her a smile, "I'm here for you, you know that right? Might get caught up in things but I'll never leave like I did."
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coffeeheartaddict2 · 2 years ago
This life: Epilogue Change of Perspective
Book: Open Heart (post series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!mc Casey Valentine
Alan Ramsey, Louise Ramsey
Warnings: *****trigger warning- this series deals with issues of abandonment and addiction- reader discretion advised*****
*****trigger warning 2- mentions of pregnancy loss*****
Word Count: 582
Rating: Mature
Catergory: fluffy angst
Summary: Ethan and Casey head to providence on what is the 30th anniversary of Louise walking out.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Pixelberry
Authors note: we are at the end, well an epilogue anyway. Thank you for those who have survived the angst I have thrown at you and made it this far.
Sunday 7th August, 2023.
It had been a tumultuous couple of months for Ethan and Casey. They had gotten married in a lovely ceremony and had a wonderful honeymoon but a missed miscarriage after their return put a spanner in what had been such a joyous time. Both Ethan and Casey were grieving the loss of a child that despite being a surprise was wanted.
They were invited to lunch today by Alan. He wanted to give his son and Casey time to grieve together but he also wanted to see them. Louise was invited to lunch also.
As Ethan and Casey were driving down, a realization dawned on him. It would be 30 years tomorrow since Louise walked out on him and Alan.
He reflected on how much he had changed since that day. He went from a carefree child to an angry young man. An anger that fuelled his teenage years and adulthood. How he would run and close off when everything got too hard. His mind went to now, the grieving process he was going through, there was no sign of running, or shutting down. Casey had questioned if she would leave him if they could not have children, he was saddened but then realized she had been given every reason to ask that of him. The fact he did not even think of running let alone not running was a sign of growth.
They pull up and Louise greets them. She had been told the news of Casey’s missed miscarriage and was saddened. She had spoken to Casey when she came down with Ethan and she was relieved and happy for her son and she hoped that they would have a family of their own. She gives them both a hug.
They sit down for a meal and Ethan brings up the events of 30 years ago and how this is the first year that the date does not make him angry.
Louise then thanks Ethan for not giving up on her.
“You had every right to send me out into the words again after three days. But you did not. I did not expect to go to rehab but I did, all because of you. As you know I reached out to apologize for the hurt I put you through when I walked on that day. The compassion you showed me is why I wanted to get better again, it was not something I thought would happen but I am glad it did because it allowed me to get to know the man that I knew you would become.”
Everyone was emotional after that. After they ate they all went for a walk. Alan and Louise sat down while Casey and Ethan played with Jenner.
“I know you said that Ethan would have gone on to do great things Alan but thank you for finishing raising our son.”
“He grew up lot that day Louise, in a way he raised himself. He wanted out of here as soon as he could and I understand now why but I am glad that you were able to reconcile.”
“Me too Alan.”
Ethan looked back at his parents, he never understood until recently his dad’s feelings but despite the loss he and Casey had just endured, today felt like as it was before Louise left and again he was happy and happy too that he was with the woman who showed him that he was indeed worthy of unconditional love.
Tagging: @jerzwriter @jamespotterthefirst @genevievemd @liaromancewriter @potionsprefect @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @crazy-loca-blog @tessa-liam @cariantha @binny1985 @schnitzelbutterfingers @lucy-268 @ofmischiefandmedicine
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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peonierose · 3 years ago
My darling! Here are the HCs I want to know about regarding your two beautiful babies! ❤️
🐕, 🧹, 🖼, and 🍿!
Linds 💚
Thank you so so much for these emojis and the ask of course (emojis always make everything so much cuter 😱)
Luna and Bryce Headcanons from this wonderful prompt list
🐕 - Pets -
Luna wants a dog and she’d name him Sammy (like Sam Winchester from Supernatural)
Bryce doesn’t want one yet. He just thinks a pet is a lot of responsibility and you shouldn’t get one if you’re not ready.
But with Luna and the twins coming along they’ll convince him 😉
They both agreed they don’t want a too big dog - something small - like a maltipoo. I mean come on look at him. He’s adorable 😱😫
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(To be honest I’d adopt that dog in a heartbeat 😍😍😍😍)
🧹 - Cleaning -
Luna can sometimes be really lazy and just leaves dishes in the sink for a day or two. Or because she simply ”forgot“.
Bryce is the one who gets annoyed (Who knew he’d be a tiny neat freak)
But they both take care of the chores around the house.
Luna suggested a list of chores and they divide them up equally - so that everyone helps - and it’s fair - even though Luna, Bryce and Keiki sometimes ”forget“ to do the chores 😂 or complain 😂
🖼 - House decoration -
As for decorations. They‘ve got a lot of art on the walls.
Some of it was made by Luna.
Others they bought from local artists from Arts on the fence (a non-profit organization in Honolulu, HI - that supports and helps local artists) Luna is a part of that.
Some was made by her art students in college.
There is a bowl she made for their knick knacks
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There are pictures of their friends and family all around the house. Because both B and Lunes love to have their loved ones close.
🍿 - Late Night Snacks -
Everything is a snack these days (especially Bryce - Luna once accidentally said how he’s a snack - now he won’t let it go - he teases her mercilessly about it 😂)
But Luna loves chocolate covered pretzels probably the most.
Now that she’s pregnant? Believe it or not - she’s devouring fruits - any kind any time.
It’s not that she ate unhealthy before that (pizza doesn’t count 😂) It’s just she wasn’t that much of a health nut. Now? It’s a smoothie here, an apple there. She eats even more healthy than Bryce does.
When they have movie nights. They make a date for two or invite their family and friends and everyone brings something and they watch movies, eat and have fun.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years ago
"Bad End?" Two Boys Are Better Than One AU Ending.
SO! This is a fic for the amazing and lovely, @polyghostfacehours! Sunny is a total fucking joy, we have gotten close over these past few months and she is a fucking rad as hell friend, she and I talked about the idea of a bad end for TBABTO back in August and she chose me to actually write it for her birthday and I was more than happy to give it a go. I went hard as fuck, as per usual and really hope everyone else vibes. This version is the normal reader insert for everyone’s enjoyment but do not worry Sunny has access to the special version with her name written in.
Of course this is very spoiler and context heavy, this is an alternate ending to my massive long form fic Two Boys Are Better Than One, so I would recommend you don’t just go into this blind but hey if you don’t mind spoilers than go in. This is heavy on the angst, with some fluff and some smut.
Hope you all enjoy it but especially that Sunny does! Happy fucking brithday dude, you are the best, love you lots! Let’s get into it!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 8.6K (I know!) Billy and Stu X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Poly!Ghostface, TBABTO Verse. Warnings: Angst. Major Character Death. Heavy Violence. Blood. Gore. SO Much Crying. Intense Emotions. Guilt. Nightmares. Not Dealing With Trauma In Healthy Ways. Making Out. Grinding. Kissing. Threesome. Blow Job. Vaginal Fingering. Cunnlingus. Panty Snatching. Fluff. Reminiscing. Sweetness. Exposition. Reunion.Multiple Orgasms. Praise. Dirty Talk. Body Worship. Cock Worship. Sloppy Seconds. Premature Ejactulation. Begging. Creampie. Face Sitting. Bex’s Lack Of Knowledge Of DBD Coming Through. Age Gap.
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You weren’t supposed to be there.
You were supposed to be at work. Doing the three pm to close shift, supposed to be scooping ice cream and mopping the floor, laughing with co-workers and doing the usual summer job schtick you’d become accustomed to. But tonight you broke away from all that, had something much more important to do, a shift change to facilitate it and you made your way to your destination.
The horrible and cold rain started on the way, an awful storm, one that hadn’t been in the forecast, didn’t matter that the water soaking into your clothes was heavy and constricting, didn’t matter you almost ate fucking shit a few seperate times on your way, you simply HAD to do it, had to go talk to and see them. Everything had been so terrible so far this summer and with your anniversary coming up, you just needed to resolve this, a phone call wouldn’t do, you simply had to see them in person.
You didn’t let them know you were coming.
Too worried that they wouldn’t be there, would be out on purpose, or talk you into not coming.
So you went without telling them you’d be coming by.
You weren’t supposed to be there.
Finally you showed up, and it happened so fast once you were actually inside. It was so dark, the power must have gone out, you heard a noise in the kitchen and crept your way there and as soon as you crossed the threshold from hardwood to tile strong hands were on you. Hand over your mouth and the reaction of you struggling was automatic and then it didn’t stop, they didn’t stop, holding you, talking down to you, mocking and condescending, they were in those costumes and a knife was pressed to you and it felt wrong.
You’d been in this position before countless times of costumed and role play fun but this here, was off, different and along the way you realized that yes, it was. They didn’t know it was you. They thought you were Tatum Riley and the immense fear swapped to relief, but only for a moment because yes, while you weren’t Tatum, they didn’t know that. In the dark and with your mouth covered, you might as well be Tatum and not their sweet girlfriend.
They laid out different ways they could kill you, each awful and terrifying. You cried, they mocked you more, you struggled less, fear if you made the wrong move it would spell disaster.
It all led so fast to this one conversation, them asking, talking as if you weren’t there and crying and shaking, about if they should get your opinion on how you should die.
“Who cares what she thinks?” Your heart sinking, “You make a compelling argument, who gives a fuck what a bitch like her wants?”
You fought hard, they handled you easily, calling you a, “Feisty little thing.” And then the first cut to your thigh was made and you sobbed, still struggling, still fighting. You were so terrified at this moment, and then finally that question was asked, “Should we let her? Let her get out some last words?”
You nodded furiously, you wanted nothing more, the one behind you, still holding you said, “Well she seems to like the idea.” And you prayed and hoped and waited, a soft hum of consideration and then, the worst possible thing, the one in front of you said. “Nah. Fuck her.”
That is when the knife drove forward.
Right into your stomach.
It felt as if all the air was sucked out of your lungs, sobbing into the hand covering your mouth as you lurched forward, eyes squeezing shut, hands balled into fists, the pain was blinding and all consuming. It hurt and blood leaked out around the blade in a similar fashion that tears leaked from your eyes, you tried to scream, key word there is try, it didn’t work with your mouth covered as it was. The knife was pulled out and drove forward again, you tensed and your mind was screaming out the same way you wished you could be.
This couldn’t be happening, it just couldn’t, it was all too unbelievable, too awful, truly unthinkable, shit had gotten fucked lately sure but this?
Them killing you?
God no, you knew them, or well, you thought you had, were sure you knew them better than this and yet here you were, being run through. More pain than you thought it was possible for a human to feel at that moment, the knife coming back out and then forward again and the blood had soaked your shirt and your shorts, could feel it running in thick rivlets down your thighs. The sound of it was awful, and it felt like the only thing you could hear until a voice cut through the pain, a voice you recognized, the one behind you, it was Stu. He was saying, “Fuck, Billy, you just gonna play with her or what?”
Stu was holding you, gagging you, preventing you from doing anything but taking it, sweet and sensitive Stu has his arms around you as Billy, fucking heaven above it was Billy, stabs into you.
The knife moves, your insides stir in a way that makes you gag, how have you not passed out yet? You weren’t trying to scream anymore, just small and weak pained moans leaving you, didn’t have any screams left, or so you thought until the knife dragged up, gutting you.
Groin to sternum.
The feeling of your organs spilling out made you even sicker, blood was leaking out of your mouth, iron and salt coating your tongue and the hand finally moved, and you didn’t sound like yourself, wet and pathetic, and Billy said, “There? That playing?” He asked, and the feeling of wet and soft internal tissue falling over your thighs and around your feet and all over the floor made you gag yet again and sob and try to say something, anything to show it was you, not like it mattered right now, you doubted even if someone tended to you immediately that you couldn’t be saved.
Your mind was a swirl of emotions, of pain, betrayal and too many things to list and you were so out of it you weren’t aware of them watching you struggle, or rather, more listening to you struggle, it was so dark, no way they could make anything out clearly. If they could, then they would have known it was you and never would have done this. You fell to your knees, now with their hands off you couldn’t support yourself, you were feeling weak, feeling cold. The illogical urge to do something overtook.
As your hands fumbled, tried futilely to scoop your organs back into you, it made them laugh when they realized what you were doing, “Oh yeah, that’ll help-”
“Ha! Yeah, you just gotta get them back in, that’ll fix it.”
They were so awful, this is how they did it, this is how they killed, fucking hell, and you used to get off on this in the abstract. If you knew how awful the reality was you probably would have re-think your sexual practices.
And then hands were on you, the knife came up and your throat was slashed and that is how it happened. You choking on your own blood, organs laying in between your thighs on the tiled kitchen floor, hands trying to stay the blood spilling from your neck and that one last coherent thought was:
“I’m not supposed to be here.”
You slumped over and that was that. It was all over.
The power eventually comes back on.
They hadn’t done anything with your body. Couldn’t clean up or do anything in the dark. It was over an hour later when the lights came back on. They make their way to the kitchen, ready to do what was needed, what they had talked about previously. It was usual, they were talking about something else entirely, Stu was looking at Billy as he was talking about what they should do for dinner after this but he was stopped short by two things. One Billy's expression falling and two his hand landing in the middle of Stu's chest, gesturing out, to look at something and he does, looking away from the brunette's face to the body on the floor.
To you.
It was so clearly and so obviously, you.
You were long dead. Body cold. No mistaking it.
You weren't supposed to be here.
Stu is just wide eyed, mouth falling open, he can't process what he is seeing, he begins to shake, saying softly over and over again, "No, no, no, no-" as if denying it would somehow undo the impossible, the irreversible.
Billy looks shocked, he isn't saying a thing, he is frozen in place and soon Stu isn't next to him anymore, he is striding forward and he falls to his knees and wants to touch you but hesitates, nothing he will do will help but he can't help it and starts trying to do something, fucking anything but touching you feels wrong. You feel wrong, the very skin he has loving traced over and kissed countless times doesn't feel like yours, there is no warmth and the color is all wrong and that particular softness isn't present, it's all wrong.
He can't look away, eyes on your face, eyes totally glazed over, not a single hint of light or life, the blood that had spilled from your mouth, he could see the handprint, his handprint from holding over your mouth, the mix of your blood and the other person they killed earlier. One of his fingers traced the long dried track of tears that had fallen down your cheek.
And then his own tears start falling and he isn't sobbing, no he's just crying, just tears falling, heavy breathing.
You weren't supposed to be here.
It was a nightmare, that's it, this all had to be some awful and terrible dream and it's at that moment that Billy finally comes over and tries to pull Stu away and Stu fights him on it. Tries to shrug him off, refusing to let go of you, keeping hands on you even if it's no longer you, even if you feel off and it's making him sick.
"Lemme go, stop, fucking stop! Lemme GO BILLY!”
Then that is when Billy breaks then and snaps at Stu that you are "-GONE! She is fucking gone man."
Stu sobs then, he stops struggling, Billy pulling on him but Stu isn’t getting up, he is still knelt beside you, total dead weight, refusing to leave.
Billy insists they have to deal with the body like they originally planned, stick to the plan then it will all be fine and he can't accept it, he is shell shocked, he can’t deal with the reality of it. “We have to go! We gotta clean this up and get rid of the body-”
Stu refuses, cuts him off harshly, he is fully sobbing and his hands are soaked in your blood as he snaps back at him, “How can you SAY that about her?! Just get rid of her?!”
“It’s not her anymore!” Stu gasps, “Not her anymore?!” The fight starts and it is so awful.
The big thing that they keep coming back to is the same thing that was your last thought.
“She wasn’t supposed to be here!”
As if it mattered. As if it would change a single thing. It didn’t matter where you were supposed to be and who was supposed to be here in your place because the fact was that you were dead on Stu’s kitchen floor and it was all their fault.
Billy wants to cover it up. Stu doesn’t, it’s unthinkable, he tells him "NO! We are done, this is fucking done!" He doesn’t stop, he rants, “We went way too fucking far, this should have ended a long time ago man!”
“What are you talking about, Stu?”
And all his feelings come out at once, “I’m talking about the fact I didn’t really want to do this, I never REALLY wanted to do this-”
Billy cut him off and yelled, “YOU SUGGESTED IT! All of this was your idea, YOU suggested killing Marueen-” and Stu attempts to shove Billy back, hating how close he was, “AS A JOKE!”
Billy’s hands are on Stu’s wrists, holding him as he is looking into his eyes, Stu’s face is still wet, he hasn’t really stopped crying, he breaks more, a sob of, “-as a fucking joke.” A deep breath that steadies him a little and he continues, “You were hurting and I loved you and I wanted to make the hurt stop so I joked about it but YOU made it serious, you wanted more and I saw it in your eyes and fuck, I couldn’t say no!”
Everything out in the open the fight continues, it escalates and keeps going, shouting and then Stu lets it out, wants to turn them to turn themselves in. Billy questioned him, and Stu told him, “I think we deserve it.”
Stu is destroyed, he is looking at Billy but you are cold on the floor right behind him and the knowledge of that weighs heavily and makes him sick. “I wanna forget all of this, abandon the whole thing, I don’t want this, I don’t want it-”
Billy cannot believe how fucked tonight has gotten, everything, absolutely everything falling out from under him.
"You can't mean this!-" And Stu responded so fast, "Yes I fucking do! I-I really do, I can't go through with the rest, we should be in jail for this, just fucking look around!"
Billy is just as upset, he is fucked up over all of this but he doesn't want to go to jail, he tries to talk Stu out of it, pulling on his clothes, using every single thing he can think of to convince him. Goes on and on, and what changes the fight is him saying, "Do you think y/n would have wanted us to go jail?"
Stu's face twists in anger, "No." Pure hurt as he turns away from Billy, looking down at your body. "But I don't think y/n would have wanted us to kill her either."
The fight really picks up then. They start blaming each other. Neither wanting to fully accept it is both their faults or their own fault at all. “I wanted to include her! I wanted to tell her! But you wouldn’t let me!”
More shoving, pacing, wandering around and more tears, on both sides.
It kept going until Billy said, "YOU said Tatum was coming! What was she even doing here?!"
Stu laughed, “Fucking rich man, really top notch stuff, yeah NONE of this-” he said gesturing to the kitchen around them, the blood on this clothes, you on the floor. “-would be happening if it weren’t for you! None of this would matter, we wouldn’t be having this fight, she wouldn’t be dead, if it wasn’t for YOU wanting to get some fucked up revenge on the Prescotts!”
Billy’s hands were in Stu’s shirt, tugging on it, so much, anger, seeing red, “The fuck you just say?!"
Stu ripped Billy’s hands away as he spat, "You heard me!"
It went on for way too long.
Eventually, Billy managed to talk Stu into taking care of your body, couldn’t leave you there, had to deal with it and soon. Somehow they got through dealing with your body. Stu held it together surprisingly well, went almost emotionless as they both worked together in realtuve silence, until after your body had been disposed of, he broke he cried again, "Her fucking family, they aren't going to have a body to bury, what are they gonna say-"
Billy offered his arms out and Stu allowed it. Their last hug. Stu clung to him and Billy held him close, and he allowed himself to cry too.
Their relationship ended that same night.
The idea of continuing without you is crazy. Even if they still had feelings for eachother, that didn't matter, they both did it but couldn't admit their parts or wrong doings. Couldn't forgive each other.
Eventually Billy talks Stu out of turning them both in, it took a lot of convincing but finally Stu listened and relented. Even if it might have just been to get Billy to stop and leave him alone. He didn’t want to see him anymore, it was far too painful, an awful reminder, the whole town was, all of this was. Having to be around as everyone frantically searched for you, of course thinking you were missing but with the year that Woodsboro had, the longer you were missing, the more obvious what had happened became.
They drop the rest of the plan.
No big finale'. Sidney and her dad live. Billy and Stu get out of town asap, go to seperate schools for college. Stu gets a totally different apartment than the one he and Billy and hopefully you were gonna live in. Can't bear the thought of living there alone. They both leave town without a formal goodbye, Stu leaves a box of Billy’s shit on his porch for him. Clothes and movies and cds, books and personal items just haphazardly thrown into worn cardboard without care and that hurt Billy more than the lack of goodbye. Stu always cared about Billy, the fact he didn't now, it made something in his chest ache.
College isn't easy.
Stu is plagued by guilt and nightmares and becomes a lot less happy and energetic. He becomes more withdrawn and closed off, less like the him he was when you were all together. It’s hard for him. Especially because he went to the school you all planned to attend together, he thought he could handle it and so Billy went to a different college. Handling it was tougher than he realized, much tougher, he transferred after the first year to a different college.
Billy trusts even less than he did previously, and doesn't let anyone else in. He doesn’t date, he will have drunken and drug fueled hook-ups at parties but doesn’t date or is serious with anyone. He misses you and Stu too much, he doesn’t try to think about it or linger on it, tries to fill his life with meaningless shit to prevent the hurt and guilt and everything else from settling back in.
Stu tries but doesn’t really feel ready to date much. He just isn't over you or Billy and is terrified of hurting anyone else by letting them get close, feels like he doesn't deserve to be close to anyone else either.
Somehow, some way they both get through their respective times at college and life goes on. Stu gets help, he goes to therapy and while he obviously cannot disclose everything, he deals. He processes and while not everything is fixed, and probably never will be, he is better. Billy chose instead to bury everything, deep as he could.
It’s years later. They both truly never thought they would see each other ever again, it’s an accident, neither of them knew that the other would be back in town at the same time, why would they?
After both looking across the bar a little too long they actually approach each other and they talk. At first it is a little awkward but they talk and talk and end up getting drunk together.
They got caught up on what they missed, it had been nearly eight years since they’d last talked so there was a lot to go over. To start it is just talking about college and general life shit. The conversation pivots when Stu admits he went to therapy, got help, Billy tenses at this until Stu tells him that of course he never spilled all the details, they were fine but more than that, he is fine, doing much better.
After talking about that but it goes on and they hash out the rest, late in the back booth of this bar in hushed tones they talk about what happened. They both really go over it, had been thinking about it so much and with perspective and time they realized that they are both at fault. They both admit too, after hours of talking, that they never stopped thinking about each other, never stopped missing each other.
They both feel good after that first night of talking. So it doesn’t stop. More meetings and more conversations happen.
And as fucked up as it all is they both are the only thing that has ever made sense to each other. Even with how they both acted, how messed up it all was and did some of the worst shit when they were together they also brought out the best in each other so often.
They feel like only they understand each other.
Who else could ever understand or accept everything that happened and all that they did? No one could, no way could they be as open and honest with anyone else the way they can be on their own, just them, just Billy and Stu.
They don't wanna drag anyone else into their fucked up mess. Only they get what they have been through, can't subject someone else to them and lie and cover up.
It felt good to talk and so they still didn't stop. They slowly start to put the pieces back together and continue going over what happened and the conversations are mixed, sometimes about stuff currently going on in their lives, lighter things, jokey and fun and other times much more heavy and serious and about you.
They start to talk so much about you and when that day comes around, the anniversary of the day you died they visit your grave, the official one, your family had laid out, set up with the nice headstone even though the grave didn’t have your body in it. Your family eventually gave up hope on you just being missing and had to face the reality, even if your body was never recovered they still set up this grave site for you. Billy and Stu go late, they don't want to run into any friends or family.
Neither of them could bring themselves to visit it before now.
They talk again. This time to you. Both staring down at the grave, side by side, not looking at one and other, as if it would make the conversation easier. Stu started.
“Hey y/n.” He let out a shaky exhale and Billy added on a quiet, “Hey”
What could they even say? They both felt so much in the moment and then it became so obvious, Stu continued, he said, “Sorry it took so long for us to visit.” The tone made Billy laugh a little, made it a bit easier and so it continued. They told you about what you had missed, what had happened with them and when it got particularly hard Billy reached out, held Stu’s hand, initiated that point of contact to help ground the both of them.
It worked.
That night they forgive each other and get back together.
Billy gets help with Stu’s prompting, and Billy does better too, slowly, but he does do better. It feels good, not the same, never the same as they were with you around or even the same as it was before you entered their lives but still they are together again and my fucking God, that is something.
They still talk about you. Reminisce, mostly positive, they keep it light, talk of you on special occasions for the most part. On your birthday, your death day, holidays, looking back on good times.
It was your birthday, they were making that pasta dish you showed them how to make all those years ago, that first full weekend sleepover that was supposed to be a trial run for living together. They both got much more into cooking since getting back together, they loved the times they got to cook with you or when you made food for them, it became a nice bonding activity, a roundabout way of honoring you and it had this habit of making them talk about you along the way. Billy was thinly slicing the garlic as Stu asked wistfully, “Do you remember the night we got donuts?”
Billy smiled as he recalled it, "Oh God yes, I haven't thought about that night in forever."
They both recounted it. A night after summer break had ended, they were hanging out at Stu's place when you called, you sounded so frantic, it scares them at first till they catch up with what you are saying.
“Honey, sweetheart, slow down, what is this about?”
“Donuts! We HAVE to go get some right now!” You were pulling a pair of shorts on, cradling your phone with your shoulder as you told them excitedly, “Donuts? You are being this loud about donuts?” Billy questioned, phone between him and Stu, both listening in.
“Yes! C’mon, I am dying for some, let's go get some.” You insisted and Billy asked, “What’s this about? Why the sudden rush?”
“Am I that obvious?” You sighed, “I was just here at home and thinking about how great summer was and all those late night snack runs we used to do and I miss it, you know? Like why wait for the weekends or when we have breaks off, why can’t we do that whenever the mood strikes?”
You heard some shuffling on the other end and asked, “Billy? Stu? You there?”
“Oh we are, sorry, we are getting out shoes and grabbing the keys.” Billy said it easily and you heard Stu lean in, “Yeah, hope you are dressed, the nearest donut place is a half hour away and they close in less than an hour, we gotta get going.”
They came by and got you and the trip was made with the windows rolled down and playing music too loud as you all were speeding towards your destination, you all made it just under the wire. A box of donuts bought and you all ate it looking up at the stars and talking when you all should have been in bed.
“That night was a lot of fun.” Stu hummed in agreement, “Lotta nights with her were a lot of fun.”
A moment of quiet. Billy fills it before the emotion could turn more negative, he still had a habit of not wanting to linger on the bad. “Do you remember that time we almost got caught having sex in her living room?”
“Fucking Christ. How could I ever forget?” Stu responded with a laugh.
One afternoon, all at your place for once, you were supposed to have a few hours of being home alone.
You were on your back, Stu was between your legs, hands on your hips, had only been inside you for a few minutes, Billy had his fingers in your hair, your head turned to the side as he was lazily fucking into your mouth. All in varying states of undress and enjoying yourself, doing it out in the open on the floor, not having to worry about restraining yourself. Moaning around Billy’s cock, tongue pressed to the underside of his shaft, looking up to him, the view was amazing as always when he was over you like this, his head tipped back, the way he breathed out your name, “Fuck, babe-”, it made you clench around Stu and caused him to move harder, more purpose.
His hand hooked under your knee, pushed your leg up, closer to your chest as he had you. “Love when you squeeze me like that.”
You pulled Billy out of your mouth, hand around the base of his shaft, rubbing the spit soaked head over your cheek as you asked, “What? Like this?” And you repeated the motion, clenching down on him again and it caused Stu to let out a choked moan, he was panting now, “Ye-ah, just like that.”
So you did it again, stroking Billy as you licked and kissed, sucked on him and clenching over and over on Stu, making him moan more and more. It was when he was close, having pulled Billy down, kissing him deeply, still rutting into you, when you heard the garage door.
You all stopped.
He was inside you to the hilt. They both were.
All too stunned and it took you smacking Billy on the thigh, he looked down and you were pushing on his hip, “Shit, sorry.”
He pulled out and you sucked down a deep breath, “Get your clothes and get upstairs, let me stall.” And Stu pulled out, starting to pull up his pants and snatching up his sweater and Billy was grabbing his shirt and his bag as you were pulling your top back down into place.
“Go, go, c’mon.” You rushed and they were off, headed upstairs, and you were looking around, “Where-” you were pulling up the couch cushions, “-the fuck are they?”
You heard the door from the garage to the house start to open and you decided fuck it, you’d find them later. You made sure your skirt was down properly and ran to the door. Que one of the most awkward conversations you ever had with one of your parents, trying to seem unaffected and normal, hoping the sight of you wasn’t obvious as you could feel some of your wetness leaking down your thighs. You pressed your thighs together hoping that it wouldn’t run down past the edge of your skirt. Your parent was just stopping by to get something and were still going back out. It was nerve wracking watching them root around the living room for what they wanted, you prayed they wouldn’t find something out of place to give you away.
Thankfully it was fine and soon they were off and you made your way upstairs. You found your two boys sitting on your bed, “They left. We are alone again.”
You flopped down onto the bed between them and told them that it went fine, when they questioned until you sat up and said, “Yeah it was all good except I gotta find where my panties went before they get home.”
“Oh you mean these ones?” Billy was holding the still damp lacy underwear in front of your face, you reached up to take them and he pulled them away, "Give em back, Loomis!”
He got off your bed, twirling them around one finger, “Nu-uh earned em. Besides you should be thanking me, if I weren’t so into panty snatching you might have gotten caught.” You relented, a heavy sigh and you held out your arms.
“You are so right, however can I thank you?” You asked and they both shared a look that simply screamed ‘let me count the ways-’
“She was the best.” Billy said softly and Stu agreed yet again as they finally sat down with dinner. They ate and talked more about you that night. The lilt of your laugh and how soft you were, how wonderful you were to them. They had a small cake for you, they made it themselves this time and didn’t burn it and shared a toast to your memory.
As long as they are back together they never blame each other again or fight about it or point fingers because they know it was both of their faults.
Sometimes it is more emotional, sometimes they cry, both of them and talk about how much they still miss you. Still visit your grave on occasion and will cry about how you should still be here.
Some mornings they wake up to the sound of rain on the window and the obvious absence between the two of them, the one in the space where you would normally be, it makes them cling to each other tangled in still warm sheets, seeking quiet comfort in each other and holding back tears.
But most of the time they just honor your memory in a positive way.
Then something else happens.
A massive shift, a huge change that they could never have anticipated, didn’t know it was a possibility. They aren’t sure how it takes them or why it wants them as killers but it becomes clear all too soon, because when you died the entity took you too.
They see you first.
You look the same as back then.
It had been ten years and you look the exact same as the last time they saw you except you are alive. You are a bit dirty, the clothes are different but you are alive, and here.
They see you and you don't see them at first and they call out your name, they run to you as they do, “Y/n!?” You turn your head to try and catch who is calling to you and you see them. You gasp and don’t believe it, you are almost frozen in place, it is clearly them, but different, older, “Billy? Stu?”
And then they reach you, breathing a little harder, less than a foot away.
A beat.
They both look at you closer, a few cuts and bruises, but it is for sure you, sweet and young and looking up at them like you feel the same way, cannot believe it and full of far too much emotion, what do you even say in this scenario?
What do you say after all of this?
The accidental killing, the covering up, the separation, the sheer weight of the sins they have committed crushing what remaining relationship they had, the pain, so much pain, years of separation and finally truly accepting you are gone, reuniting and growing once more only to now having their whole lives turned upside down.
Being claimed by the entity and dragged to this awful place. After all they've been through it has been a wild enough ride trying to get a handle on it, on the rules and how it worked and killing again and thinking, asking, why, why, why them but now here you are.
Of course.
The once wasn’t enough, even if it wasn’t on their minds or yours we all know why, killing you once was terrible, the worst and most painful thing any of you had been through, so bringing you here, reuniting you all and them having to kill you over and over as you are forced to exist here? Forced to do trials and that awful song and dance to entertain the fucked up crab God or whatever you want to call it, of course, is there a worse punishment?
But none of you are thinking of that.
They start talking, both at once, rushing and talking over each other, rambling and you can catch a few words, your name and apologies and that they can’t believe it’s your, is it really you? On and on and you step forward, put a hand on each of them and say "I forgive you."
Sweet and perfect and wonderful you, the very first thing you say to them after all this time apart and after dying by their hands, unintentionally but still by their hands all the same, you forgive them. They both stop immediately the second you have your hands on them but you say those three words, “I forgive you.”
You were too much.
Better than either of them felt they deserved.
“You forgive us?”
You nodded, hands gripped tighter, you tugged closer as you started your own rambling, “Of course! I-I dunno how to begin to explain it all but yes, being here, I thought about you both so much and I know I wasn’t who was supposed to be there, I know you never would have done that if you’d known it was me.” You were tearing up, “I missed you both, haven’t stopped thinking about you and you’re here! You’re here now-”
And then they couldn’t help it, scooping you up, and you were right where you should be, between them, pressed in the middle and they both confirmed it, one right after the other, “We’re here now.”
You enjoyed the closeness, it wasn’t even close enough, you tugged and buried closer in the middle, Billy’s arms around your waist and his face to the side of your neck and Stu’s hands on your sides and his nose pressed to the top of your head and he inhaled and sighed out, “Y/n, fuck, you still smell like-well like you.” He sounded nearly overcome with feeling.
“More than that, she still looks the same.” He pulled back a little as he asked, “How is that possible?”
“Time here is fucked, hard to keep track of, I wanna say it’s been around-a year? I’m not sure though.” You moved back a bit too, hands came up, started to wander, just trying to really take it in, your mind reeling with that thought, over and over, “They are here, it’s them, I can feel them, touch them, it’s them, it’s them, it’s them-” but what you say is, “But it’s been so much longer for you both, you look good, older-” You smiled, “-but good. How long has it been?”
“Ten years.” Stu said and your hands faltered, repeating it, “Ten years?”
You wondered why now. Why it waited so long to take them but it wasn’t like it mattered, they were here now. “Longest ten years ever.” Billy muttered and you smiled again, “I bet. How’d you two get along without me?”
And the conversation continued. Soon you were seated in the grass with them. Leaning back onto Stu’s chest as he sat with his back to a tree, his legs open, Billy was right there, head on your shoulder, holding your hand, fingers laced together, a position that felt so comfortable and familiar, one of the countless ways you would all sit and they told you everything.
About the fallout, what people said, how your family handled it, how they broke up and just all of it. There was laughing and crying and somewhere along the way you had gotten even closer. You on your knees, hand on Stu’s face, “I’m so fucking sorry for all of it-”
You kissed him and didn’t let up, kissing over his face and telling him softly over and over, “It’s okay, it’s okay, M’ here. I forgive you.”
You reached out and your fingers threaded in Billy’s hair and you pulled him closer and kissed him before telling him the same, “You too, I do, I forgive you, I meant it the first time I said it and I mean it now.”
Their hands on you and they started to kiss you too, laying affection over any exposed skin they could reach, face, neck, shoulders, it felt good, better than you have felt since you got to this God forsaken place. Stu’s hands were slipping under your tank top and Billy was right behind you now, his hands on your hips and you leaned back into him, head rested on his shoulder as you looked up to him, “I never stopped loving either of you, even when you ran the knife into me, I still fucking loved you.”
It was fucked up but it was true, you couldn’t help it, you had it so bad for them, the same way they did for you, even after all this time. And none of you could help it, no need to communicate it, you all were practically radiating that same energy of “I need you.”
You all took. Kissing and touching, hands roamed and clothes were shed along with more tears and so many affirmations. Billy’s hand between your legs, touching you and whispering in your ear, “I love you, so fucking much, I’m never letting you go again I promise.” as Stu had your tank top pulled up and bra tugged down, his mouth on your tits, mumbling into your soft skin, “Never again, you’re ours, baby.”
You couldn’t hold back the moan you let out, rocking into Billy’s hand and arching more into Stu’s mouth, “M’ yours, always been yours, always will be-”
God, to be theirs was the best thing you ever were, endlessly and utterly thankful to be theirs and in turn have them be yours.
The fact that they still cared this much and loved you in this fashion, even after all this time had passed for them did not go unnoticed by you, it made you feel things you hadn’t in so long, things you thought you might never get to feel again. Positive emotions were hard to come by in this place, you thought a lot of that goodness was something you had to say goodbye to and would never befall you again. Yet here you were, proven blissfully and thankfully wrong.
They didn’t stop, until you were totally naked and hardly able to talk, nearly sobbing from how good it felt and how long it had been. Stu’s mouth and fingers playing with your sensitive nipples, licking and soft bites and pulling on them and Billy had two fingers buried in you, rocking in and out and grinding against your clit, legs trembling, gasping out, their names, “Billy! Stu! Fuck! Pl-please, don’t stop-”
Billy’s other hand was on your hip, pace was so steady, he sounded almost as breathless as you, “I won’t, not till you push me away. C’mon, it’s been ages, I need it, cum for us babe.”
The tone he took, it truly sounded like he needed it just as badly as you did, as if it was his pleasure and then it happened, swept over you and took hold and you cannot remember the last time you’d felt like this, last time had to have been between them but that seemed like forever ago.
One hand was gripping Billy’s shoulder as you came, clenching down on his fingers, rocking down onto his hand, “Shit! Bi-Billy! Yesss-” he groaned too, he and Stu had talked about this so many times.
About how this view was their favorite, you cumming because of what they did to you, the way you would arch and buck and gasp their names and moan, how you would tense, they wanted to keep going, had to get their fill, were going to make you cum over and over. You were barely over it and Stu so hard, pressed to you as he begged, “God, me next, please, I wanna make her cum.”
“Go for it.” Stu loved to pleasure you and Billy loved getting to see him do it nearly as much as he enjoyed doing it himself, loved seeing how he could make you break apart.
You were adjusted, tugged and shifted until you were over Stu’s face and the first pass of his tongue made you cry out, “Ah! Stu-” His hands on your hips, making you grind down onto his tongue, “Mmmmf I missed this tongue.”
You admitted breathlessly with a laugh. He ate you out, messily, greedily, he breathed against your soaked slit, “Missed this cunt.” Tongue ran with such care through your folds and over your straining clit, he focused in on it, swirling over it and humming, he loved the taste of you and the feeling made you squirm for him.
His lips closed around it and he sucked, hands now kneading your ass, you were still so sensitive from your previous orgasm, it made your legs tremble, you aren’t able to quiet yourself. It is overwhelming, panting, moaning, begging, you aren’t sure what for, just broken words of “More!” and “Please!” and their names, you just can’t help saying their names the same way they can’t help saying yours. It feels great, just feels amazing to let it roll off your tongues, moans and sweet sighs of pleasure.
You are already getting close from Stu’s mouth working you so well, you are shaking and Billy has been touching you, fingers lightly tracing over your skin, whispering more praise and sweetness in your ear and was getting much more worked up, so close to you, listening to you. Soon you feel it, he has pulled himself out, so hard, prodding against you, one hand on your throat as he mumbled to you, “I need to have you.”
“Please, please, please fuck me, Billy-” You begged and Stu’s hands still on your ass are spreading you open, still licking and sucking your clit, you were leaking down onto Stu’s chin and looked so damn inviting, he could barely process he was really here, that you were here, he thought he’d lost you forever and now he was with you, about to slide inside. He needed a moment, he was poised right at your dripping entrance, teased your hole, the heat coming off of you was nearly breathtaking alone. Hands on your shoulders he moved his hips forward, slid inside and it made him groan, long and low and you moaned in kind, almost matching him. He was so thick, you hadn’t been stretched like this in so long.
He held inside of you, he didn’t want to move yet. Even though it had been years, you made him feel just like you had back then in this moment, as if no time had passed, as if he was still an over excited teenager who needed to hold back or he’d cum way too fast. You felt like heaven, so hot and slick, tight and pulsing around him, you’d already been getting close from Stu’s mouth alone and now with him inside, you were flexing around him, eyes squeezed shut, one hand in Stu’s hair as you ground your clit on his tongue, “Mmmf, Billy, Billyyy, need you to move, so close! Please?”
“Goddamn, hold on, if-if you don’t give me a second here I won’t last.” His own breathing was heavy and labored and you shook your head, “Don’t care. Need it. Fill me-”
You adjusted yourself, tilting forward, Stu moved with you, not breaking his stride as he licked your clit, your hand not in Stu’s hair was placed on the tree in front of you, using it to help aid you as you moved back. Bucking back, fucking yourself on Billy, Stu sucking on your clit, his hands slid up to your hips, helped you, moving you back onto Billy who’s grip was almost too tight on your shoulders. “Baby, holy shit yes-”
Billy’s head tipped back with a moan, he couldn’t hold back now, he fucked forward when you moved back, met you in the middle and he hit that spot inside just so and you came for the second time, nearly sobbing. “Lo-love you! So much, both of-of you, oh God!”
You cumming sealed the deal and Billy found his end as well, came raw right inside, holding deep as he could manage, walls were hugging him so tightly it felt phenomenal to spill himself into you.
Best orgasm he had in years by far.
Leaves him without words, all he can do during his dizzying come down his kiss along the side of your face and throat, when he has finally sucked down enough air, his orgasm so intense he had essentially forgotten to breathe, he is returning the affection you gave, softly and laced with emotion, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Stu’s mouth finally relented, his head fell back and he was shifting under you, he begged, he was desperate, in need of some relief, some stimulation, in need of you. “C’mon, I’m so hard it fuckin’ hurts.”
Billy pulled out slowly, almost hissing as he did, he hated leaving you but he needed to see Stu have you almost as much as he needed it.
Billy and you helped, took care of his clothes and soon you were on your back, your arms open and Stu was on top of you and he kissed you. His face was still wet, you could taste yourself on his lips and tongue and loved it. He didn’t linger, the need too much, he slipped inside in one smooth motion and you tensed, arching up into him, a sharp inhale, his name falling from your tongue and he groaned your name back. You still messy and stuffed with Billy’s cum was perfect. Billy watched, right there, watching as Stu slid into you and how you both reacted to it.
He was looking down at your face, they both were, the way your brows knitted together, lips parted, eyes clouded with lust and pleasure as he pulled back and moved forward again, filling you, “Stu.” You breathed, nails running down his arms, “Mmf so fucking big, dunno how I can take it after so long.”
He loved when you talked like that.
Laid on the praise about how big his cock was, talking about how you could barely handle it, your words made him thrust harder, quicker, made something else ache in his chest, he’d missed you so much. He couldn’t help but think of the last time he touched you, how cold you were, how wrong it felt and now, it was all fixed. You looked so alive, sounded and smelt like how you should, skin was burning hot and you were breathing, moaning his name, calling to him, saying such lovely things he can’t stop it. Face in the crook of your neck he lets himself be taken over with it, a few tears slipping out as he has you. He can’t last either, you can tell, he wants to feel you break apart again but he can’t help himself, can’t slow down or stop, and then when you start begging. “Do it, Stu, please, cum in me, please, please-”
As much as he wanted to he couldn’t stop it, your words and you wrapping your legs around him, pulling him ever closer, he did just as you begged and came into you, fucking through it, crying against you as he does. So much is inside it leaks out around him and starts to drip into the dirt under you.
The three of you end up leaning against that tree again, all catching your breath, you admitted, “That was almost unbelievable.”
“This whole thing is.” Billy said, his eyes were closed, he was enjoying the closeness, not warning to move an inch away from you, his hand in yours, Stu was on the other side of you, “I honestly don’t wanna question it too much. I’m still terrified I’m gonna wake up to find out this was all some long dream.”
“I swear it’s not. You are both here.” You sighed softly and pulled their hands up, kisses pressed to the backs of their hands.
You all took that in. You were here. Together.
You weren’t sure how this would work or how it was going to go, but you didn’t care. It wouldn’t be easy, it would probably be hell, but none of you cared, none of you thought about that right now. Three of you could figure out the logistics and how you would steal moments of intimacy and little pieces of what you used to have in between the hard times, it would help carry you through, you’d do whatever the fucked up God of this world wanted just to make that happen.
You would deal with the reality of it soon enough but for right now you were at peace, in between them, just as you should be, Billy and Stu and you.
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accidentalharrie · 2 years ago
What blind item is that anon referring to?
Thought it was interesting that the Lainey article went on an on about how it was kinda convenient for the statement with 40 signatures to be released when it was and not before the release. And how people weren’t speaking out before then, but some people WERE. Matty said on multiple occasions that the set was harmonious. And this was BEFORE the anyone said anything about screaming matches. Arianne has, in her own way, stuck up for Olivia too. And I think there may have been a few more
I also agree with you that had something been going on…someone like a Matty or a Chris Pine (who has been friends with Olivia for two decades) would’ve said something. Like it just doesn’t compute that this woman that so many people spoke glowingly of post-shoot wouldn’t have had anyone say something if she were being unprofessional?? If she’d been as unprofessional as suggested, I think people would’ve just, ya know, not gone out of their way to talk about her. The timing of these “sources” is suspect to me. The movies done well, we got major proof H&O ate together; I don’t know. Just seems odd this comes out now. Also, didn’t we figure out when set pics (from indoor filming locations leaked) that there was a Larry on the crew? I could be making that up, but I feel like I saw that
Anon I’d rather not drive more traffic to either of the far-right conspiracy theorists but it’s something that makes no sense, per ujh, unless you are inclined to believe anything posted about the evil, evil woman. (I’m sure it’s easy to find on certain blogs too)
The more I think about the other article the more angrily amused I get, as the suggestion is that Olivia was too dickmatized to do her job and poor stressed out Florence had no recourse at all, because not Katie, not Bex, not Matty, not Chris could pry her out of Harry’s trailer.
No clue about the Larrie, I’m afraid.
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